Galaxy Clusters
Literature Review: A comprehensive review of the infrared constributions to environmental galaxy evolution
Alberts & Noble 2022 is a holistic look at what we know about overdense environments, from local clusters to high-z proto-clusters, from near- to far-infrared imaging and spectroscopy. Topics covered include:
Infrared Surveys of (Proto-)clusters and Future Prospects
How the near-infrared, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) Effect, and rare galaxy populations have expanded our (proto-)cluster surveys and the order of magnitude increase expected for future surveys
The Near-Infrared: Stellar Mass Functions and Quenched Populations
What we know from the quiescent populations of clusters, from the stellar mass-dependence of quenching in clusters to pre-processing
The Mid- to Far-Infrared: Dust-Obscured Star Formation and AGN
How infrared observations have traced star formation activity in clusters to high redshift, revealing an epoch of vigorous activity (see next section). We also explore how Dusty Star Forming Galaxies are illuminating the nature of proto-clusters
The Far-Infrared to Submillimeter: Dust and Gas Measurements
Molecular gas is fundamental to galaxy quenching. We cover the recent integrated to spatially resolved submillimeter measurements in low to high-z (proto-)clusters and what we can learn about environmental quenching

The epoch of star formation in massive galaxy clusters
We've long known that galaxies in galaxy clusters (massive dark matter haloes that contain huge overdensities of galaxies and hot gas) live different lives than their cousins outside. They grow faster and shut down their star formation earlier, such that old, nearby galaxy clusters are full of old, red, dead galaxies.
Galaxy clusters start their lives as sprawling massive proto-clusters at high redshift (z>2) before collapsing into compact haloes. Do their galaxy population change at the proto-cluster stage or do they need the compact environment of the cluster?
Using Herschel SPIRE imaging at 250μm, we studied the obscured star formation in mass-limited galaxy populations in 274 massive clusters spanning z=0.3-1.5. We found that while cluster galaxies have a more rapid evolution then field galaxies (as expected), at the highest redshifts (z~1.5), cluster galaxies have similar SFRs and specific-SFRs as field galaxies. This activity demonstrates that massive (virialized) clusters can still host significant star formation right into their cores, followed by a transition era to quenched populations. Read more: Alberts et al. 2014, MNRAS, 437, 437